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Pujie Black 5.0

March 14th, 2022

Pujie Black 5.0 is here, with lots of new features, making it a truly advanced watch face designer.

Pujie Black 5.0
Pujie Black 5.0. Preset by GF1973, available in the Cloud Library

We are proud to present you Pujie Black 5.0! It is now rolling out to all Wear OS users, with lots of new features and completely ready for Wear OS 3 watches of any shape and form. Completely compatible with the Galaxy Watch 4, but also better support for Rectangular watches like the Oppo Watch and the Xiaomi Mi Watch.

The new features are:

  1. Element based. All parts are moved to one big list of elements. These elements consist of the previously available custom elements (Live Texts & Complications), but also all the other parts, like the watch hands, graphics, tickmarks & numbers, digital clocks, date labels, progress circles, indicators & tap targets. Your older presets will automatically be converted to the new format.
  2. Rectangular previews. You can now set the phone app to show Rectangular previews. This allows for more ease of use when designing for watches like the Oppo Watch and the Xiaomi Mi Watch.
  3. Global variables. For the advanced designers, you can now define global variables and functions in your custom elements (previously known as Live Texts). This makes it much easier to re-use code within your watch parts.
  4. Icon layer. To improve the range of possibilities, we added an Icon layer to the watch part designer. For now it comes with a big set of Material Design Icons and Fluent Design Icons.
  5. New tags. The set of tags which you can use in Custom Elements has been extended, including the often requested seconds and milliseconds.
  6. Dark mode. Designing at night? Tweaking in the evening? Dark mode is here to protect your eyes. And luckily, at the same time, it makes the interface look pretty nice as well.
  7. Better animation control. All elements now have better animation control. You can choose to animate to it's equivalent in the other view (Ambient vs Interactive), or you can set the position, scale and rotation of the target location yourself.

You can download the app from the Play Store

Pujie Black elements

Element Based

Your interactive and ambient views are now completely element based. This means that you can add items as elements and change the order in which they are drawn. Each element has it's own set of posibilities and you can have multiple of all. That means multiple digital clocks, multiple watch hands etc...

You can read more about the element structure in the documentation.


Rectangular previews

Besides the previously available round and square previews, you can now set the phone app to show Rectangular previews. This allows for more ease of use when designing for watches like the Oppo Watch and the Xiaomi Mi Watch. Different formats are available. We will keep the app up to date with any new rectangular sizes if such watches will come available.

Pujie Black rectangular previews
Pujie Black now supports square, rectangular (different sizes) & round previews. Preset by Sdrk available in the Cloud Library

Global Variables

For the advanced users, you can now define global variables and functions in your custom elements (previously known as Live Texts). This makes it much easier to re-use code within your watch parts.

Pujie Black globals
You can use global variables and functions in your automation.

New Tags

And last, but definitely just as important. We added a couple of new tags for automation. These include the very often requested seconds and milliseconds, this opens up a lot of new posibilities with respect to animations and faster updating watch faces. We are looking forward to see what you will make. Below the full list of new tags:

Seconds, Milliseconds, Last known altitude, Rain volume, Rain volume metric, Wind speed, Wind speed metric, Current weather forecast object, Hourly weather forecast object, Daily weather forecast object

If you need any help, please visit our support pages:

Or contact us at [email protected]

We hope you will continue to enjoy Pujie Black!!

Pujie Black 5.0