Pujie Black Change Log
Version 4.0.69
Minor update
- External complication provider fix
- Added degree symbol to weather provider
- Added Recently updated section to the Cloud Library Gallery
- Bug fixes
Version 4.0.67
Minor update
- Speed optimizations
- New navigation drawer UI
- New option to force English for watch elements (General section)
- Added loading screen on watch
Version 4.0
Image Layers
One of the most requested features was to be able to add images to your Pujie Black watch faces.
This is now possible by adding an image layer to your custom watch parts.
You can now automate some properties of your layers using JavaScript.
This will work in Live Texts and the new Custom Complications. Automation works on layer positioning, scaling and rotation, and
some of the layer specific properties like the properties of an arc layer and the properties of a text layer.
Custom Complications
Using the watch part editor you can create a custom complication style, which can display the data of an external complication provider (or one of the build-in data providers).
You define a style, which should work with several data configurations and afterwards you apply the data to it. To achieve this you can use
automation to create conditional visibilities, or position them
Cloud Library
And last, but certainly not least, an in-app Cloud Library. The Cloud Library allows you to
store and share your presets and watch parts with the other users of the library. You can like and comment on items and it automatically keeps your items synced, so it will always contain your latest versions.
To get access to the library you can start with a free trial, but after the trial it will require a paid subscription.
Full change log
- Image layers
- Automation using JavaScript
- New Custom Complication watch part
- New tags, week number, day of week, gmt offset and gmt offsets for the extra timezones
- Revamped settings UI
- You can now directly edit the watch parts inside a preset (called edit-in-place), this will only change the assigned watch part and not your library version
- Moved Live Text to Custom Elements section, this is where you add Live Texts and Complications
- Improved widget updating
- Faster app startup
- The dreaded nokia issue
Version 3.6
Watch part drawer
We worked hard to improve the watch part drawer, to make it easier to make intricate watch parts. New features include the option to
group layers and to
rotate layers. There are 2 new layer types,
Arc Layers and most importantly
Text Layers!
Font browser
For the Text Layers and all other text elements on the watch face you can make use of a huge set of
800+ new fonts (with courtesy of the Google Fonts system).
Live texts
To optimally make use of the new Text Layers, Pujie Black 3.6 introduces a new Watch Part called
Live Text. Live Texts are intended to show Text in a fancy way (think a Date box or a Flip Clock).
You can use all kinds of Tags to gather the data you want to show as text.
For instance you can show your fit statistics, weather conditions, but also just the time or the date.
Full change log
- Group layers
- Rotate layers
- New Text Layer and Arc Layer
- New watch part Live Text including Text Tag Browser
- Foreground Watch Part (drawn over all other elements)
- Horizontally and Vertically flip layers
- Copy and Paste layers between different watch parts
- Set the opacity of fills and strokes
- 800+ new fonts!
- New dynamic hours option for the tickmarks
- Faster Preset Library opening
- Improved app intro page
Version 3.5
Configuration on the watch
Pujie Black 3.5 is all about a new configuration menu on the watch! You can now,
save presets & select presets directly from the watch. When running Android Wear 2.0 you can also
import presets, directly from the web.
Android Wear 2.0 - Complications
Once you have received the Android Wear 2.0 update on your watch you can now replace the
indicators, the top label and the tapdrawer buttons in your preset with external complications. These external complications can show data from external data providers.
Android Wear 2.0 - Background
Like with the indicators, you can use the Android Wear 2.0 complication system to choose
an external data provider as the source for the background of the Interactive
and Ambient view. This will allow you to display images, you current media or whatever external data providers will think of!
Android Wear 2.0 - Standalone
Pujie Black can now be run as a standalone app on Android Wear 2.0. When running standalone, the app does it's own weather, calendar and fit data polling.
Using the new configuration menu it is possible to change some of the most important settings. This also means that you can now use Pujie Black
even when you have your watch connected to an iPhone or if your phone is turned off.
Lost features :(
The option
Enfore black and white in ambient has been removed. Because of the custom backgrounds and watch hands it is now impossible to determine which elements should be white and which elements should be black.
Full change log
- On watch configuration menu
- Preset library on the watch (Save and load presets)
- Change indicators on the watch
- Android Wear 2.0 - Add external complications as indicators
- Android Wear 2.0 - Add external complications as the tap drawer buttons
- Android Wear 2.0 - Choose an external source for the background
- Android Wear 2.0 - Import presets directly from the watch
- Android Wear 2.0 - Standalone mode (Customize, change settings)
- Much improved handling speed of complex backgrounds and watch hands
- Add copy of layer, not places it directly above the original
- New option to move layer to top or bottom
- Enforce black and white in ambient has been removed
- Option to disable anti aliasing in ambient, now only has effect on watches with a low bit ambient mode
- Freely move the digital clock and top label
- Optimizations & bug fixes
Version 3.4
Custom watch hands & background
Starting version 3.4 Pujie Black has it's own
vector drawing tool inside,
allowing you to draw
your own watch hands and backgrounds.
These watch hands and background will be fully vector, meaning they will be crisp at any
resolution. You can also share them with other users!
Free indicator size and position
You can now change the size and position of the indicator freely. Look in the Shared tab to
enable this feature.
A better backup method has been implement. From the settings you can send yourself a backup
file and import this on another device or just keep it as a backup (which will contain your
presets, watch hands and background).
Icon pack support
For the tap drawer you can now also assign icons from the icon packs you have
installed on your device.
Sharing has been slightly changed too. To account for the increasingly long share codes.
When you share, the codes are uploaded to the cloud, which allows you to share with a much
shorter share code. This does mean that share codes are not really meant for backing up
any more, please use the backup mechanism for that.
Full change log
- Design your own watch hands and backgrounds
- Share your watch hands and backgrounds with others
- Free placement and sizing of indicators
- Improved backup mechanism
- Icon pack support for tap drawer
- Longer tick marks
- New date formats
- Optimizations & bug fixes
- Much shorter shared codes (for presets and watch parts) by storing them in the cloud
Version 3.3
Phone app UI
The UI went through a pretty big makeover, for looks and for ease of use. First of all,
the app now completely re-colors itself to match your preset.
This makes every preset fit in perfectly and well it's just looks nice :). This is accompanied by a Navigation Drawer to achieve a more Material app structure.
The preset library also got a big makeover, including a new search option to find your presets more easily. If you are so lucky to run Lollipop or Marshmallow, some of these elements will have some nice transitions attached to them.
Another big thing is the addition of
Shortcuts for Tap Actions. Besides the current tap action you can now choose from all of the possible shortcuts on your phone (like direct Call, direct message etc).
This makes a lot more possible without the need for Tasker.
Full change log
- New Material UI. Color adjusts to your preset, to make it feel welcome :)
- Navigation drawer
- New UI for the preset library, see both the interactive and ambient face side by side
- Replaced customization section in separate tabs by view type
- Directly change the colors of the current palette
- Improved the UI of the color picker
- 'Shortcuts' as an option for the Tap Actions
- The option to hide the indicator background, indicator bed and the indicator lines
- 3 watch hands
- Options to change the weather metrics for wind (miles\hour) and rain volume (inches)
- Digital timezone indicators
- 3 new battery indicators
- Roman numerals for the hours
- Search in the preset library and alphabetically sorted presets
- Massive and Gigantic option for digital clock
- WiFi on/off/toggle Phone Actions
- Calendar selection separated by account
- Separate ambient battery level colors
- Memory issues
- FC's after app resume
Version 3.2
Custom Interactivity!
The most interactive Pujie Black ever! You can assign custom actions to a huge number of possible tap targets.
A new
Tap drawer, mini tap targets and all three indicator make up to 13 assignable tap targets! For all these tap targets you
can choose from:
- The Pujie views (Calendar, Fitness, Weather & Tapdrawer)
- Any installed watch or phone app
- Tasker tasks!
- Watch actions (volume up/down, voice search etc)
- Phone actions (play/pause music, volume controls etc)
Weather Forecast
There is now a new
Weather view with either a 5 day forecast or the forecast for the upcoming 12 hours.
Android M
For all you Android M users, Pujie Black now uses the new permission model, and is fully tested with Doze!
Tasker Tasks
You can now use
Tasker to change your current preset, and you can start any Tasker task directly from the watch face.
Full change log
- New weather forecast view!
- New tap drawer!
- New mini tap targets!
- Tasker integration
- Assign custom apps, tasker tasks or actions as tap actions
- Use tasker to change your preset
- Android M permission model
- Android M Doze compatibility
- Fix for manual location bugs
- Backup all your presets as links to email
- Improved preset library scrolling
- Assign indicator tap actions by location or by indicator type
- Two new watch hands (minority & minority filled)
- Two new presets
Version 3.1
N.B. To fully take use of the new interactive watch face you will need the latest version of Android Wear, which is rolling out over the next few weeks. Hang tight for the update!
With the introduction of the
interactive watch faces API, Pujie Black now officially supports two extra views (Calendar view & Fit view).
- Tap the right indicator to see your calendar events.
- Tap the left indicator to see your fit statistics.
- Tap the center of these views to return to the watch face.
- Optionally you can set a touch area for going directly in to the Android Wear voice search (disabled by default)
You can change the position of these touch areas in the main settings (
Precision seekbars
To create your presets with more precision, you can now see and change the exact value of all settings which are manipulated using seekbars.
Full change log
- New fit view!
- Official touch support!
- Change the vertical position of the digital clock
- Change the vertical position of the top label
- Change the position of the indicators in ambient
- Change the radius of the calendar ring in interactive
- New indicator picker dialog!
- Improved UI of Settings layout.
- Animation on pressing the Send button
- Option to show the chin in the preview
- Removed donation system
- Fixed the battery notification when multiple watches are connected to the phone
- Value labels for the seekbars, and a dialog to change those values.
- New Default preset
Version 3.0
Pujie Black 3.0 is out. With a huge number of new stuff!
Data sending
To save battery, customization changes
are not send to the watch directly.
Use the send button (
) on the toolbar to update your watch.
Look in the main settings (
), if you prefer the old way.
Advanced mode
In advanced mode, there is a lot more freedom to choose the position and size of the watch face parts. Checking the box, automatically adds/removes options to/from the customization section.
Increase customization section
You can now increase the size of the customization section by sliding it upwards using the slidebar.
Full change log
- Updated the materials.
- Slide the customization section to create more space
- Advanced customization mode
- Improved UI for most elements
- Select touch area for the calendar view
- Auto battery saving option
- Numbers!
- Indicators in ambient mode!
- Gradients for analog circles
- Gradients for digital clock
- Square circles :S
- Hide outer progress circles on indicators
- Hide calendar center ring on interactive
- Round endings for analog circles
- Analog Circle thickness (Advanced)
- Analog Circle radius (Advanced)
- Watch hand radius (Advanced)
- Tickmark positioning (Advanced)
- Indicator positioning and sizing (Advanced)
- New watch and phone battery indicator icons
- Smooth Radial background
- 14 new fonts
- Tickmark position (Advanced)
- Upcoming 12 hours, option for calendar view
- Fixed Google Fit bug
- Fixed all day calendar event bug